We strongly encourage anyone spotting any breach of practice to either engage with the premises manager or to notify the local fire brigade. Here are some examples and the cost to rectify the issues which have been sent in to Firescout.

Somebody screwed up

Somebody screwed up

Danger Score4.4/5

"These firedoors were held open by a workman with his screwdrivers!"

Possible fine?Yes

Cost to remedy?£198.00



Posted by:Richard


" " It's inevitable that sometimes a firedoor will need to be held open, especially when work is being carried out in the area. But it's your responsibility that everyone complies with fire safety regulations in your building, even contract workers. Screwdrivers might not be as bad as moving fire extinguishers to hold a door open, but there must be a retainer with a release mechanism in place. Screwdrivers will also make it very hard to close the door quickly if they get stuck, allowing a fire to spread quickly.