We strongly encourage anyone spotting any breach of practice to either engage with the premises manager or to notify the local fire brigade. Here are some examples and the cost to rectify the issues which have been sent in to Firescout.

Dentist pulls out teeth but not all the fire safety stops

Dentist pulls out teeth but not all the fire safety stops

Danger Score3.6/5

"I'm no expert but there was a sign on the door saying it must be kept closed?"

Possible fine?Yes

Cost to remedy?£99.00



Posted by:Garry


" " Fire doors help to contain fire and smoke if there is fire in a building. To function properly, they need to be able to close automatically in case of a fire or need to be kept close in the first place. Wedging fire doors open is dangerous, as the smoke and fire will now spread unhindered. If you want to keep fire doors open for air circulation or easy of movement you need to use fire door retainers.